Autocount Accounting
A1.123 : Login Issue: Login error – There was no endpoint listening at …
Question : When I login to AutoCount Ver 2.0, system prompted error message “There was no enpoint listening at….” Why? Possible Reason : You’ve not yet installed AutoCount Server at your Server or the service did not start. Solution : If the ...
A1.122 : Prompted Message: Cannot export to DOCX because the following assembly or one of its dependencies could not be loaded-DevExpress.RichEdit.v19.2.Export.dll
Question: I am using AutoCount Accounting version 2.1, when I preview report and export to DOCX format, an error message prompted “Cannot export to DOCX because the following assembly or one of its dependencies could not be loaded: ...
A1.121 : Prompted Message: The following item codes are not exist, save aborted. (Not Exist Item Code: XXXXXXXXXX)
Question: When I try to save a document with item code, a message prompted ‘The following item codes are not exist, save aborted. (Not Exist Item Code……). Why? Possible Reason: The item code contains spacing, Tab, Enter or special character. This may ...
A1.120 : Prompted Message: Global Price Change - Invalid column name ‘LastUpdate’
Question: When I set Global Price Change for Location Price and proceed to the Next, an error message prompted - Unknown Sql Exception (Number=207, Message=Invalid column name ‘LastUpdate’. Why? Possible Reason: This is a known bug and is fixed in ...
A1.119 : Prompted Message: Change Account No Error-The Delete statement conflicted with the REFERENCE constraint “FK BonusPointRedemption Debtor”
Question: When I try to change account no, an error prompted: The DELETE statement conflicted with the REFERENCE constraint “FK_BonusPointRedemption_Debtor”. The conflict occurred in database “AED_XXX”, table “dbo.BonusPointRedemption”, column ...
A1.118 : Prompted Message: AutoCount Accounting Session has been expired and unable to re-register your session. ... Note: Fail to connect AutoCount Server Service
Question: After upgraded to version & AutoCount Backup Server, while using the AutoCount sometimes keep prompting “AutoCount Accounting Session has been expired and unable to re-register your session. … Note: Fail to connect ...
A1.117 : Prompted Message: Error during upgrade to 2.0-Invalid Data Definition Language Statement, error message is Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint … The duplicate key value is (CR Default)
Question: When upgrade database from 1.9 to 2.0, error message prompted “Invalid Data Definition Language Statement, error message is Violation of PRMIARY KEY constraint … The duplicate key value is (CR Default). Why? After clicking OK, another ...
A1.116 : Prompted Message: Change Item UOM rate error – Invalid object name ‘Sync’
Question: When I change item uom rate, system prompted an error: “Unknown Sql Exception (Number = 208, Message = Invalid object name ‘Sync’.). Why? Possible Reason: The registry value failed to upgrade properly when upgrading the database. Solution: ...
A1.115 : Prompted Message: Edit Debtor Error - Unknown SQL Exception (Number=9420, Message=XML parsing: line 1, character 209, illegal xml character)
Question: When I click on save button after editing a debtor, system prompts me an error message, “Unknown Sql Exception (Number=9420, Message=XML parsing: line 1, character 209, illegal xml character)”. Why? Possible Reason: There is/are ...
A1.114 : Prompted Message: Profit and Loss of Document-Invalid column name ‘ProjNo’. Invalid column name ‘DeptNo’
Question: When I inquiry the Profit and Loss of Document, error prompted “Unknown Sql Exception (Number = 207, Message= Invalid column name ‘ProjNo’. Invalid column name ‘DeptNo’.) Possible Reason: This is a known bug in version and ...
A1.113 : Prompted Message: Error during upgrade to 2-Invalid Data Definition Language Statement and ALTER TABLE dbo.ADVQT…Guid
Question: When upgrade database from 1.9 to version 2.0, error message prompted “Invalid Data Definition Language Statement, error message is Column already has a DEFAULT bound to it”. After click OK, another message prompted “ALTER TABLE ...
A1.112 : Prompted Message: Error during upgrade to 2.0-The object ‘DF TMCS IPho Recei XXXXXXXX’ is dependent on column ‘ReceiptHeader’
Question: When upgrade AutoCount Version 1.9 to Version 2.0 for user who use iAutoCount, error prompted “Invalid Data Defination Language Statement… The object ‘DF_TMCS_IPho_Recei_XXXXXXXX’ is dependent on column ‘ReceiptHeader’. Why? Possible ...
A1.111 : Prompted Message: Unable to startup AutoCount Server - System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for… Get Unique Hardware ID error
Question: When start up AutoCount Server, system prompted error “System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for… Get Unique Hardware ID error”. Why? Possible Reason: User has earlier installed AutoCount Server version in this ...
A1.110 : Prompted Message: Unable to edit Stock Value Maintenance – Transaction date is locked
Question: I have the access right to edit Stock Value Maintenance, but why there is message prompted saying transaction date is locked when I key in and save Stock Value Maintenance? Possible Reason : 2021 December is locked. You may check the Period ...
A1.109 : Prompted Message: Unable to startup AutoCount Server - System.Windows.Markup.XamlParseException: Set property ‘DevExpress.Xpf.Core. ThemeManager.ThemeName’threw an exception
Question: When startup AutoCount Server, an error prompted “System.Windows.Markup.XamlParseException: Set property ‘DevExpress.Xpf.Core. ThemeManager.ThemeName’threw an exception.” Possible Reason : .Net Framework was not installed properly or ...
A1.108 : Prompted Message: Import Item Opening error - Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'Guid'
Question: Error message prompted - Cannot insert the value NULL into column ‘Guid’…when import Stock Item Opening at AutoCount Accounting Management Studio. Why? Possible Reason : This is due to you did not create the stock location before import. ...
A1.107 : Prompted Message: Error The socket connection was aborted
Question: Why am I not able to open document, error prompted “The socket connection was aborted. This could be caused by an error processing your message or a received timeout being exceeded by the remote host, or an underlying network resource ...
A1.106 : Prompted Message: Unable to select Account No. in document - EditValue is null
Question: Why was I unable to select account number? It shows EditValue is null. I already updated revision for 2.0 but problem persists. Possible Reason : It might be the layout issue. Solution : 1) Right click on column header and select for ‘Reset ...
A1.105 : Prompted Message: Unable to send Invoice through WhatsApp – Access Denied
Question: When I preview Invoice and click send by WhatsApp, error message prompted “Access Denied”. Why? Possible Reason : You do not have the Access Rights to Export Invoice. Solution : To grant a user such access right, an Admin user can go to ...
A1.104 : Prompted Message: Unable send batch mail - No email address found at record 2
Question: When I send batch mail, error message prompted “No email address found at record 2”. Why? Possible Reason: Email address of debtor 300-R001 is not maintained. Solution (1): 1) Go to A/R > Debtor Maintenance, edit on the Debtor 300-R001 and ...
A1.103 : Prompted Message: Unable to customize Function Widget – Access Denied
Question: I want to customize function widget , but message prompted “Access Denied”. What should I do? Possible Reason : Due to access rights not granted. Solution : 1) Go to General Maintenance > Access Rights Maintenance > Accounting > Main Page > ...
A1.102 : Prompted Message: Change Item Code error – Invalid column name ‘Key1’
Question: When I try to change item code, error prompted: Invalid column name ‘Key1’. Why? Version: 2.0 Possible Reason : The database detected POS 3 is installed, the database is upgraded from version 1.9 to 2.0, but the POS table is not updated. ...
A1.101 : Prompted Message: Unable to start AutocountServerService – Service AutocountServerService was not found on computer
Question : When I try to start AutoCount Server service, error message prompted: “Service AutocountServerService was not found on computer”. Why? Possible Reason : The AutocountServerService was not found. Go to Control Panel > Programs and Features, ...
A1.100 : Prompted Message: Import Data Error – Fail to save Item: xxx. The value of column IngredientItemCode is table ItemIngredient does not exist in its master file
Question: I have exported all data from account book ABC Sdn Bhd. When try to import all data to account book AIMI Sdn Bhd. Some of the items failed to import with error “The value of column IngredientItemCode is table ItemIngredient does not exist ...
A1.99 : Prompted Message: Unable to create new account book, error message-Unknown SQL Exception.Invalid object name Setting
Question: When I try to create new account book, error message prompted: "Unknown Sql Exception (Number =208, Message=Invalid object name ‘Setting’.)”. Why? Possible Reason : This is a known bug in version and is fixed in version ...
A1.98 : Prompted Message: Error Message - Unable to connect to server
Question : When I try to a save an invoice for a debtor that has violated credit limit, error prompted: Unable to connect to server. Why? Possible Reason : You have enabled Remote Credit Control module but did not maintain correctly the Server URL ...
A1.97 : Prompted Message: Import Member error - Object reference not set to an instance of an object
Question : When I click on Paste from Clipboard at Import Member, error message prompted 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object'. Why? Possible Reason : This is a known bug and is fixed in version Solution (1) : Update to ...
A1.96 : Prompted Message: Error upgrade to 2.0-Unknow Sql Exception… Invalid object name ‘Settings’
Question : When upgrade database from 1.9 to version 2.0, error message prompted: ‘Unkonw Sql Exception (Number=208, Message=Invalid object name ‘Setting’.) Inner Exception Message: Invalid object name ‘Settings’. Why? Possible Reason : This is a ...
A1.95 : Prompted Message: Error during upgrade to 2.0-Error while installing SQL functions and Stored Procedures
Question : When upgrade database from 1.9 to version 2.0, error message prompted: Error while installing SQL functions and Stored Procedures…. Why? Possible Reason : You are using older SQL Server version such like SQL 2005 or SQL 2008. Solution : ...
A1.94 : General Maintenance: User default Location/Project missing after assigned
Question : I’ve assigned default location/project for user. But when re-open to view, those setting become empty. Why? Possible Reason : This is a known bug and already fixed in version Solution (1): Update to version and above. ...
A1.93 : Purchase: Cash Purchase still warn on empty Supplier D/O
Question: I do not enable ‘Show Empty Supplier DO Warning’, but when I save Cash Purchase without supplier D/O number, system still prompt the warning. Why? Possible Reason: In older version, this option does not take effect on Cash Purchase. In ...
A1.92 : Purchase: Why is Creditor Code auto assigned in Purchase Request?
Question : When I create Purchase Request and start adding item, Creditor Code is auto assigned for certain items. Why? How can I set it? Possible Reason : Creditor code will be auto detected if you have assigned the Main Supplier in Stock Item ...
A1.91 : Sales: Why does the Advanced Quotation Status automatically change to Approved after saving it?
Question: Why does the advanced quotation status automatically change to Approved after saving it? Possible Reason: You have been granted the access rights to Automatic Approve Advanced Quotation. Solution: If you do not want this function, go to ...
A1.90 : Sales: Edit Debit Note error (Being Knock Off)-This record was modified by ADMIN
Question: When I edit and save sales debit note that being knock off, an error prompted “This record was modified by ADMIN at 15/07/2022. And it is not possible to continue to save the record. You can only cancel the changes to this record.”. Why? ...
A1.89 : Sales: Unable to view the document from View Flow
Question: When I click on the Delivery Order (DO-000001) from View Flow screen, system does not open the Delivery Order? Why? I have the access right to view Delivery Order but there is no response when I click on it. Possible Reason: The user is not ...
A1.88 : Sales: Item Selling Price did not follow Multi Pricing
Question: I have set the debtor AAAA using Multi Pricing 2 and Price 2 for ITEM 1 is 1.50, but when create Invoice, why the unit price is 3.00? Found out that it was following Item Price Book. Possible Reason : You didn’t enable Use Multi Pricing or ...
A1.87 : Sales: Credit Note-Unable to transfer from Invoice-Access Denied
Question: When I create Sales Credit Note, why couldn’t I transfer from Invoice? It prompted error Access Denied. What should I do? Possible Reason : The access right “Can Transfer from Invoice” is not granted. Solution : Go to General Maintenance > ...
A1.86 : Sales: Create Credit Note - Unable to find the Invoice in Transfer from Invoice screen
Question: When I create Credit Note and transfer from Invoice, why I can’t find the Invoice in transfer screen (Full document transfer and Partial item transfer)? The invoice already ticked can transfer, and the invoice does not have any transfer ...
A1.85 : Sales: Error - Column ‘Footer1TaxType’ does not belong to table Master when edit and Save Consignment
Question : In AutoCount 2.0, I can create new Consignment and Save. But when I try to Edit and Save, it will prompt error - Column ‘Footer1TaxType’ does not belong to table Master. Why? Possible Reason : This is a known bug which happens when edit ...
A1.84 : Sales: Apply formula for Subtotal causing incorrect Unit Price
Question : I have created UDF_CurrRate at Invoice detail and set a formula for Subtotal. Formula : Subtotal = d_Qty *d_UDF_CurrRate * d_UnitPrice But when I key in CurrRate = 2 and Unit Price = 100, the Unit Price will change to 200 and Subtotal ...
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