UBSA1.97 : Access UBS (Accounting): Why there is no AR & AP Group To no account

UBSA1.97 : Access UBS (Accounting): Why there is no AR & AP Group To no account


Access UBS (Accounting) 
Microsoft Windows OS 10


The Group To at Debtor/Credit account maintenance did not have any account available for select, even though you have created the Debtor/Creditor control account at Chart of Account Maintenance. 

This is due to the Debtor/Creditor control account not having the Control Type correctly selected.

To correct: 
  1. Go to, Maintenance, GL Accounts
  2. Double click on the Debtor/Creditor Control account 
  3. Save the changes 
  4. Go to, Maintenance, Debtors/Creditors Maintenance
  5. You will able to search the Debtor Control at Debtors/Creditors Maintenance
--Source from Access UBS --