UBSA1.9 : Access UBS (Accounting): How to use the Account Code in General Ledger A/C Maintenance

UBSA1.9 : Access UBS (Accounting): How to use the Account Code in General Ledger A/C Maintenance


How to set up an  Account Code in General Ledger A/C Maintenance 


Access UBS (Accounting)


If you used to key in old account code previously used in other accounting system (as a reference), the Account Code can be shown in Print Chart of Accounts with the following simple customization:
  1. Go to General, Print Chart of Accounts click on OK and Preview
  2. Go to File, Save As and click Save. Press Esc.
  3. Right click on Exit button, select the file named gl#001#a.frx and click Open
  4. Right click at any empty spot, select Data Environment
  5. At gldata table, drag and drop the acc code into the Detail section
  6. Click Save and press Esc once,
  7. Click Preview. The account code will be displayed.
--Source from Access UBS --