UBSA1.84 : Access UBS (Accounting): How to Swap 1st Desp. and 2nd Desp. in transaction

UBSA1.84 : Access UBS (Accounting): How to Swap 1st Desp. and 2nd Desp. in transaction


Access UBS (Accounting) 
Microsoft Windows OS 10


  1. It is used to exchange description of an account.

  2. Go to General, General Ledger A/C Maintenance, A/C Description
    1. Please maintain 1st and 2nd description for an account such as CIMB as 1st description whereas Bank - CIMB as 2nd description.
  3. Then go to Periodic, Swap 1st Desp. and 2nd Desp. 
    1. Click OK to run it. Now, Bank - CIMB will be the 1st description whereas CIMB will be the 2nd description.

--Source from Access UBS --