UBSA1.82 : Access UBS (Accounting): How to generate Knock-Off bills shown in ledger but missing in knock-off

UBSA1.82 : Access UBS (Accounting): How to generate Knock-Off bills shown in ledger but missing in knock-off


After knock off transaction still appear in unpaid list
How to run 6 steps
Aging report not showing some transactions


Access UBS (Accounting)


To generate Knock-Off bills shown in ledger but missing in knock-off:
  1. Go to TransactionOpen-Item menu debtor , Bill payment ledger and list missing record in ARPOST.DBF , Click OKYes. tick mark all, GenerateExitCancel
  2. Go to TransactionOpen Item Menu Debtor Bill Payment Ledger and list record in ARPOST.DBF tick on Remove defective record, Yes , OK , OK, Exit , Cancel
  3. Go to TransactionOpen- Item menu debtorBill payment ledger, and list defective record in ARPAY.DBF tick on Generate kperiod, YesOK , Tick on remove defective record, Yes , OK , OK, Exit , Cancel
  4. Go to TransactionOpen- Item menu debtorBill payment ledger , check on duplicate entry Post NoOK, Exit
  5. Go to TransactionOpen- Item menu debtorBill payment ledger , view bill payment ledger, tick on Generate paid amount. Yes , OK , OK, Exit , Cancel
  6. Go to TransactionOpen- Item menu debtorBill payment ledger, edit bill opening balance, OK and click > next button until finish. This must be done one by one. Don’t use the fast forward >| button
  7. After this is done run upgrade datafiles in housekeeping.
  8. Run this with Open Item Creditor also.
--Source from Access UBS --