UBSA1.62 : Access UBS (Accounting): How to Import & Export Master Records

UBSA1.62 : Access UBS (Accounting): How to Import & Export Master Records


 How to create new folder with the same chart of account only


 Access UBS (Accounting)


 Setup Import & Export:

  1. Go to PeriodicExport/Import and select E.I Housekeeping
  2. Set the destination: Sub-Directory For ***9.DBF & Sub-Directory For ***9.CSV 
  3. Select Exit.  This is how it looks like, please see example below:

Exporting the files:  (from Source database, select company) 

  1. Go to PeriodicExport/Import and select Export to DBF.
  2. To copy the chart of accounts, select COPY GLDATA.DBF TO GLDATA9.DBF and select OK to proceed.
  3. Select General Ledger Accounts, and select OK to proceed.  (Other selection/filtering are optional)
  4. To copy the list of customers, select COPY ARCUST.DBF TO ARCUST9.DBF and select OK to proceed.
  5. Select the Debtor No. From and Debtor No. To, the other selection and filtering are optional.
  6. Select OK to proceed.
  7. To copy the list of suppliers, select COPY APVEND.DBF TO APVEND9.DBF and select OK to proceed.
  8. Select the Debtor No. From and Debtor No. To(Other selection/filtering are optional)
  9. Select OK to proceed.
  10. Close the company database. 

Importing the files: (to Target Database)

  1. Open destination or target Database from select company in UBS home page.
  2. Go to PeriodicExport/Import and select E.I Housekeeping (set the destination to import files)
  3. Set the destination: Sub-Directory For ***9.DBF & Sub-Directory For ***9.CSV 
  4. Select Exit
  5. Go to PeriodicExport/Import and select Import from DBF 
  6. To import chart of accounts, select IMPORT FROM C:\EXPORT_IMPORT\GLDATA9.DBF and select OK to proceed.
  7. Repeat the same steps to import the rest of the records
--Source from Access UBS --