UBSA1.56 : Access UBS (Accounting): How to set up mobile license

UBSA1.56 : Access UBS (Accounting): How to set up mobile license


How to use UBS license outside of office
Mobile license guide
Can I use the software at home PC instead of at the office PC.
unable to use mobile license for 1 PC
Unable to checkout mobile license


Access UBS (Accounting) 
Microsoft Windows OS 10


NoteAccess UBS mobile license provides the convenience for user to continue working with the system when he/she is out of office. 
  • With Access UBS mobile license, user can check out 1 user license from the main PC each time, save the mobile license file in any storage device, and install the mobile license at any client PC.

Check Out Mobile License(At the Main PC)
  1. Manage License , Select Company , Select either Accounting or Inventory & Billing , License Wizard
  2. Select I would like to manage mobile license , Click [Next] button to proceed to next screen
  3. Enter the following information and click [Next] button to proceed.
  4. Reason, Enter the purpose of generating mobile license.
  5. Generate Mobile License Key File To (Specify the mobile license file destination)
  6. Copy the file in pen drive to used later 
  7. When the mobile license is successfully checked out
Note: The maximum duration of the mobile license is only 1 month

Install Mobile License (At the mobile PC)
  1. At the Login screen, click on the Mobile License tab.
  2. Click on install.
  3. Click the Browse button to select the mobile license file. Click the OK button.
  4. When the mobile license is successfully installed, the following pop-up message will be shown. Click the OK button.
Uninstall Mobile License (At the mobile PC)
  1. At the Login screen, click on the Mobile License tab.
  2. Click on Uninstall.
  3. Select the mobile license to be uninstalled and click on the OK button.
  4. When the mobile license is successfully uninstalled, the below message will be shown. Click on the OK button.
Check in Mobile License (At the Main PC)
  1. Manage License ,Select Company , Select either Accounting or Inventory & Billing , License Wizard
  2. Select I would like to manage mobile license, click [Next] button to proceed to next screen.
  3. Select the mobile license to be checked-in, and then click on the OK button.
  4. When the mobile license is successfully checked-in, the below message will be shown, click the OK button.
--Source from Access UBS --