UBSA1.45 : Access UBS (Accounting): How to Set Voucher Footer Remark

UBSA1.45 : Access UBS (Accounting): How to Set Voucher Footer Remark


Access UBS (Accounting) 
Microsoft Windows OS 10


This feature is used in China when Print Transaction Voucher in More Report (2).
  1. Go to, Housekeeping, General Setup, Setting
  2. Check the checkbox of Voucher Footer Remark, key in the names into respective fields
  3. Check the checkbox of Print name on voucher when lock (only effective when batches are locked: names will be printed in Transactions Voucher Listing in format 2 & 3; If this checkbox is not checked, names will be printed regardless of the lock status of the batches.
  4. Click Exit, OK.
  5. Go to Reports, More Report (2), Print Transaction Voucher
  6. Select Format 1, 2, or 3, search for batch no.
--Source from Access UBS --