UBSA1.30 : Access UBS (Accounting): How to organize batches in UBS Accounting & Billing?

UBSA1.30 : Access UBS (Accounting): How to organize batches in UBS Accounting & Billing?


Access UBS (Accounting)


When creating transactions, the system needs to organize data so that an ordinary user can identify and understand how data are placed in the system. Data can be compiled and placed in ‘Batches’ or batches of data.  
Each batch will represent what the data will be: 
•    Sales Batch
•    Purchase Batch
•    Bank Batch
•    Cash Batch
•    Journal Batch
In each data set in the batches, the user will be able to identify important information in accounts like dates, periods, ledger accounts, debits, credits, and reference numbers.
Go to MaintenanceGeneral and select Organize Batches.
When you have selected this function, a table will appear in the UBS interface titled Organize Batches.  

You can simply Add a new batch from your own design.  For this article, I will Generate from the UBS template.  To do this, select Generate, and a table will appear in the UBS interface titled Generate Batch Titles

Select Period and choose from the table titled ‘Period Listing’. Select Period 1 which represents the first month of your financial period. 

When you Apply the selection from the UBS generic template, a set of batches will be generated into the table ‘Organize Batches’ for Period 1 – January 2022.

--Source from Access UBS --