UBSA1.191 : Access UBS (Accounting): Error: 'OLE IDispatch exception code 0 from SWBemObjectSet: Invalid class..'

UBSA1.191 : Access UBS (Accounting): Error: 'OLE IDispatch exception code 0 from SWBemObjectSet: Invalid class..'


OLE IDispatch exception code 0 from SWBemObjectSet: Invalid class..
OLE IDispatch exception code 0 from SWbemlocator: Invalid namespace..


Access UBS (Accounting)


This error appears due to conflicts with your antivirus.
To resolve this error, please check the below solutions:
  • Make sure you have Windows 10 or above installed on your computer. 
  • Make sure that Windows is fully updated. 
  • Whitelist or make exceptions for UBS folders in your antivirus software. 
--Source from Access UBS --