UBSA1.17 : Access UBS (Accounting): Error: 'Table c:\\ubsacc90\\data\\GLPOST. DBF'

UBSA1.17 : Access UBS (Accounting): Error: 'Table c:\\ubsacc90\\data\\GLPOST. DBF'


Error: 'Table c:\\ubsacc90\\data\\GLPOST. DBF'


Access UBS (Accounting)


GLPost.dbf has been corrupted in Accounting & Billing. This error is caused when index files become corrupted and need to be repaired.

To resolve the issue:
  1. Click OK to the error message to start a table (Recover table).
  2. Click the Select record file button and select the directory of the company folder (e.g. C:Drive -C:/UBSACC2015/SAMPLE). You may check the directory of the company under the Directory column or by clicking the gear/cog icon under the company name.
  3. Select GLpost.dbf. If the error shows on a different dbf file (e.g. excel.dbf has been corrupted) then select excel.dbf.
  4. After selecting the company directory and the corrupted file, click Error Scan/Repair.
  5. After the repair, the message 'Header is OK' will be displayed.
  6. Log in to Accounting.
  7. Go to Housekeeping and select File Organisation.
  8. Mark All and click OK.
  9. Let the process run until complete.

--Source from Access UBS --