UBSA1.186 : Access UBS (Accounting): How to set up the maintain stock values

UBSA1.186 : Access UBS (Accounting): How to set up the maintain stock values


How do I ensure the balance of the stock will include in the P&L report?
How do I set up OS, BS and CS?
Why my stock account is not appearing in report?


Access UBS (Accounting)


To set up the maintain stock values: 
  1. Go to Access UBS Accounting and ensure to already setup the account of stock
  2. Go to General, Maintain Stock Values and key in the account of stock (OS, BS and CS) at the column at the top.
  3. Then key in the opening stock and closing stock at the box below. 
  4. All the stock will reflect in the report. 
--Source from Access UBS --