UBSA1.178 Access UBS (Accounting): How to resolve the error message: Resource File version mismatch, and Visual Foxpro cannot start. Could not load resources

UBSA1.178 Access UBS (Accounting): How to resolve the error message: Resource File version mismatch, and Visual Foxpro cannot start. Could not load resources


Access UBS (Accounting)


To resolve the error message: Resource File version mismatch, and Visual Foxpro cannot start. Could not load resources:
  1. Search for VFP DLL file under C:\\Windows\\System32. The name of the DLL file is:
    1. vfp8renu.dll - (for version 9.1 and 9.0 ) 
    2. vfp7renu.dll - (for version 9.0 dated 2004 and before) 
  1. This DLL is a duplicated DLL, rename it (eg. Vfp8renu_old.dll). The DLL file that is used by UBS is under C:\\Program Files\\Common Files\\Microsoft Shared\\VFP. 
There might be another program (not UBS) installed on this PC and also running on FoxPro using the DLL file that you have just renamed. Check whether this program could still run probably.