UBSA1.177 : Access UBS (Accounting): How to run Year End Processing

UBSA1.177 : Access UBS (Accounting): How to run Year End Processing


Access UBS (Accounting)


  1. Go to ReportsGeneral and select Scan Batches.  Select OK to proceed.
  2. Make sure Batch Bal. and PD Bal is all “YES”.  To do this, note down batch no with "NO" results.  
  3. Go to ReportsGeneral and select Print Batch of Transactions.  Select batch no. from and to with "NO" results and select OK to proceed.  Check all the transaction entries for the batch, identify, edit and make corrections for transactions that were not balanced.
  4. If all the batches are Balance, do a backup.
  5. Once the backup is done; Go to Housekeeping and select Year End Processing. Make sure the Period is 12 and Password would be the login password
--Source from Access UBS --