UBSA1.176 : Access UBS (Accounting): Error: 'Variable IDI is not found'

UBSA1.176 : Access UBS (Accounting): Error: 'Variable IDI is not found'


Error -
Variable IDI is not found
Error - 
Table has no set index order
Either message appears when you click Cancel on data optimization
Occurs when opening Billing or Inventory & Billing System
Occurs when opening Accounting System


Access UBS (Accounting)


To resolve these errors: 
  1. Close the data and create new data as TEST.
  2. After generating the data for both accounting and billing systems, close the UBS application.
  3. Browse to the location C:\UBSSTK2015\. 
  4. Look for the company folder and sort files by TYPE. 
  5. Select all files with the file type CDX and delete them.
  6. Now Browse for the folder TEST. 
  7. Sort files by TYPE. 
  8. Select all files with the file type CDX and copy them. 
  9. Paste all these files in the company folder which was deleted.
  10. Open UBS and select Billing or Inventory & Billing System. 
  11. Run optimizer, it should now be able to complete the process. 
  12. After completion, open Housekeeping and run upgrade data files, and index all files.
  13. Close the Billing system and now open Accounting
  14. Run the optimizer, it should now be able to complete the process. 
  15. After completion, open Housekeeping and run upgrade data files and file organization.
--Source from Access UBS --