UBSA1.171 : Access UBS (Accounting): How to solve error on Database Optimizer

UBSA1.171 : Access UBS (Accounting): How to solve error on Database Optimizer


How to solve error on Database Optimizer for UBS Accounting & Billing
Data optimizer issue in inventory


Access UBS (Accounting)


How to solve the error on Database Optimizer in Accounting:
  1. Open the company database, select Billing Side and run database optimizer
  2.  After the database optimizer has been run, open the billing side and run index file
  3. Open the accounting database and run database optimizer
  4. After the database optimizer has been run, open the accounting and upgrade the data file. 

How to solve the error on Database Optimizer in Inventory
  1. Open the accounting database and run database optimizer
  2. After the database optimizer has been run, open the accounting and upgrade the data file.
  3. Open the company database, select Billing Side and run database optimizer
  4. After the database optimizer has been run, open the billing side and run index file:

--Source from Access UBS --