UBSA1.164 : Access UBS (Accounting): Update Accounting & Billing system with previous years' records

UBSA1.164 : Access UBS (Accounting): Update Accounting & Billing system with previous years' records


How to restore previous years' data in Accounting and Billing. 


Access UBS (Accounting)


To update the system with previous years' record or data, follow the below steps:
  1. Have your previous years' backup files ready, before you begin.
  • If you are using Accounting, the backup files should be in ACC format.
  • If you are using Inventory, the backup files should be in STK format.
  1. Open the UBS system.
  2. Create new company, for example: ABC Sdn Bhd.
  3. Go to C:\ drive.
  4. Copy the previous years' data from your backup files, and paste in the newly created company folder in C:\
  •  Example: C:\UBSACC2015\ABC_SDN_BHD) for Accounting.
  •  Example: C:\UBSSTK2015\ABC_SDN_BHD) for Inventory & Billing.
  1. Open UBS and check the previous year's data.
--Source from Access UBS --