UBSA1.14 : Access UBS (Accounting): Resolve the error message: 'Cannot create file c:\ubsacc2015\data\tempug.dbf'

UBSA1.14 : Access UBS (Accounting): Resolve the error message: 'Cannot create file c:\ubsacc2015\data\tempug.dbf'


What is the solution for the error message: Cannot create file c:\ubsacc2015\data\tempug.dbf?


Access UBS (Accounting) Microsoft Windows


This error occurs when your antivirus software is blocking the applications from accessing the related folder. 

Search in your windows applications or programs for the antivirus program.

Ensure the following executable files are in the white-list of your antivirus software:
•    Daccount.exe
•    Daccountone.exe
•    Vstk.exe
•    Vstkone.exe
•    Vstkbilling.exe
•    Cpl.exe
--Source from Access UBS --