UBSA1.123 : Access UBS (Accounting): How to Change Exchange Rate & Local Amount on Un-realise

UBSA1.123 : Access UBS (Accounting): How to Change Exchange Rate & Local Amount on Un-realise


Access UBS (Accounting)


  • If foreign currency rate is changed, this feature is used to update those unpaid bill records for the foreign currency rate and transactions' amount. The updates will fully base on the new foreign currency rate.
  • The feature applicable for Open Item Debtors & Open Item Creditors who are using foreign currency to transact business.
To change Exchange Rate & Local Amount on Un-realise:
  1. Go to Foreign CurrencyRate Maintenance, change the Currency Rate (e.g. from currency rate: old rate change to new rate), Edit directly on the table.
  2. Go to More Report (2)Generate Voucher Sequence 
    1. Make sure the checkbox of Voucher Sequence follow Batch Nois uncheck in Country Setting
  3. Go to ReportsExternal Application, double click on Change Exchange Rate & Local Amount on Unrealise, then key in the relevant range of period and select debtor or creditor.
  4. Click on Refresh to verify the bills, then click on Update to change the amount with new currency rate.
--Source from Access UBS --