UBSA1.115 : Access UBS (Accounting): How to generate Location Cost of Goods Sold Listing

UBSA1.115 : Access UBS (Accounting): How to generate Location Cost of Goods Sold Listing


Access UBS (Accounting) 
Microsoft Windows OS 10


The solution below shows the steps to apply the tool Location Cost of Goods Sold Listing in Reports, External Application. This feature provides a full listing of system calculation on cost of sales report by item location.
  1. Create any location code e.g. HQ
  2. Apply costing method Moving Average
  3. Go to Transaction, Receive. Issue a transaction with a location e.g. HQ with quantity 10, unit cost 15
  4. Go to, Transaction, Invoice. Issue a transaction with a location e.g. HQ with quantity sold for 2, selling price 30
  5. View a report at Enquiry, Trace Item Cost & Value, Moving Average Method
  6. View a report at Sales Reports, Profit Margin, Calculate Cost of Sales, Moving Average Method
  7. View a report at Reports, Location Item Reports, Location – Item Status & Value
  8. Go to Reports, External Application run Location Cost Of Goods Sold Listing
    1. Tick Create Table Listat?. DBF and click Yes to confirm.
    2. Tick ALL TRANSACTIONS and then click REFRESH button.
    3. In COGS column, system shows 30 of cost of goods sold (Opening stock (0) + Purchase (150) + TR-IN + OAI – TR-OUT – OAR - Closing stock(120)).
    4. In IT_COS column, system shows 30 of cost of goods sold (Opening stock (0) + Purchase (150) – Closing stock(120)).
    5. Tick Update Moving Cost From Unit Cost For Moving Cost=0 if Moving Average cost for opening stock contains zero figure. System will generate the latest cost from Item File Maintenance unit cost. You can view the effect at Maintenance, Opening Quantity Maintenance, Edit Item Opening Quantity/Cost.
IT_COS may not be the same with COGS. TR-IN = Transfer In; TR-OUT = Transfer Out; OAI = Adjustment Increase; OAR = Adjustment Reduce; Opening = Opening Stock Value; Closing = Closing Stock Value.

--Source from Access UBS --