UBSA1.108 : Access UBS (Accounting): How to customize Invoice for Odd/Even Item transaction in colored line

UBSA1.108 : Access UBS (Accounting): How to customize Invoice for Odd/Even Item transaction in colored line


Access UBS (Accounting)


To customize Invoice for Odd/Even Item transaction in colored line:
  1. Save the invoice format as icbil#02. 
  2. Select customize to the format. 
  3. Create rectangle:
    1. Go to ViewReport Controls Toolbar and drag start from item count until net amount into the same row.
  4. Double click on the rectangle, click on Print When button, key in the command MOD(ITEM_COUNT,2)=1 (1 = Odd Items, 0 = Even Items)
  5. Select ViewColour Palette Toolbar, select own preference colour. 
  6. Select FormatSend To Back
--Source from Access UBS --