UBSA1.103 : Access UBS (Accounting): How to Generate Upload File and Auto Marking

UBSA1.103 : Access UBS (Accounting): How to Generate Upload File and Auto Marking


Access UBS (Accounting) 
Microsoft Windows OS 10


Note:  These are used to mark a transaction with a specific cheque number, or a group of transaction entries that carries continuous cheque numbers. This will save user time in searching and checking them one by one.
  1. Go to, More Report (1), Bank Reconciliation Statement
    1. Select appropriate Period and Bank Account, click on Generate Upload File and key in the cheque number (full or partially; e.g. if user key in MBB, all transactions with cheque number start with MBB will be detected; blank means all transactions.), click OK.
    2. PRO.TXT has been Generated, click on OK. (User may check the checkbox of View PRO.TXT to view the listing.) Click on Cancel.
    3. Then click on Auto Marking, select bank account no., OK. An auto marking transactions listing will be displayed. (the word 'MISSING' indicates transaction without cheque number, which cannot be auto-marked.) Click on Exit, Cancel. The auto marking has been completed. 
--Source from Access UBS --