ATC.E6 : Accounting 2.2 - E-Invoice: What is the function of BatchGetTIN in Debtor Maintenance?

ATC.E6 : Accounting 2.2 - E-Invoice: What is the function of BatchGetTIN in Debtor Maintenance?

Question: What is the function of BatchGetTIN in Debtor/Creditor Maintenance?


This function allows user to request Debtor for their company information as required for Malaysia e-Invoice. With this, user can send such request in batch instead of sending it one by one.

1. Go to AR > Debtor Maintenance > click on Find, filter out the debtor which TIN.No haven’t maintenance.

2. Search based on keyword. Check All, click on Batch Get TIN.

3. Click on Email Setting.

4. Fill in the SMTP server info.

5. Click on Generate Request Link and Send. System will send out the link via email.

6. Debtor will receive the email.

7. They need to click on the link, fill up the Company Tax Request Form. When they click on Submit, verification code will send to them and they need to key in the code to verify.

8. After submitted successfully, you will receive the notification the debtor had update their company tax information.

9. Now, you may go back to Debtor Batch Get TIN. Unselect Exclude records with link. Click on Retrieve and Update Tax Entity.

10. Tax Entity been updated.

You may also check the ‘ Auto send reminder Email when retrieve not yet filled Company Tax Information’, then click the Retrieve and Update Tax Entity.

System will help you to update the tax entity, and auto send reminder Email to customer who haven’t update their Company Tax Information.

--Source from AutoCount Wiki --