When I received the invitation email to access account book and click on Open Account Book, error prompted “Failed to add company. Error detail: Unknow error occurred. Please try again or reload the page. Why?
You were trying to login Cloud Accounting (same browser) with more than one email user, which is not allowed. You should either using different browsers or logout current user before login another user.
1) Close the Invite to Company screen.
2) For current user, at Cloud Accounting https://accounting.autocountcloud.com/ click on Logout.
3) Then go to the invitation email, click on Open Account Book and login using email and password.
** If this email user has not been registered as AutoCount cloud user, please click on the register link to register, and confirm your email first before proceeding to click the Open Account Book.
4) The company added successfully, click on OK and you can access to this account book.