A5.54 : Master Data - General : Numbering Format

A5.54 : Master Data - General : Numbering Format

This function allows you to maintain your numbering format for each of your document type. It is a set of numbering which will be generated incrementally when you create a new transaction and used to uniquely identify each document entries.


To access Numbering Format, click on the Master Data icon > Numbering Format.




Creating a new Numbering Format


To create a new Numbering Format, click on the “+New” button.



Alternatively, you can also click on the “+” button of the document type that you wish to add. For example, adding a new Invoice Numbering Format.




Default: To set default Numbering Format. Each Document Type can only have one default numbering format.

Name: Provide a name to uniquely differentiate between numbering formats.

Document Type: Select document type for this numbering format.

Next Number: Set the next number of this numbering format.

Max Number: Set the maximum number of this numbering format. Put 0 to not control by max number.

Format: Set your numbering format here. You can refer “Format Setting with Example” section for further info.

Sample: A sample of your format. This is the expected numbering format that will be generated based on what you had maintain in the “Format” field.


Click “Save” to commit the changes once you had done keying in or editing the required information.



Format Setting with Example

You can maintain various format in Numbering Format to present your transaction numbering. Below are some examples of different kind of formats and how can you set it. We will be using Invoice Document Type as examples in this section. Formats and sample number results will be provided so that you can understand better.


Prefix with Numbering

Prefix: S-

Example: S-0001, S-0002, S-0003

Format: S-<0000>


Suffix with Numbering

Suffix: -INV

Example: 0001-INV, 0002-INV, 0003-INV

Format: <0000>-INV


Prefix and Suffix with Numbering

Prefix: S-

Suffix: -INV

Example: S-0001-INV, S-0002-INV, S-0003-INV

Format: S-<0000>-INV

Prefix with Year Month and Numbering

Prefix: S-

Example: S-202011-0001, S-2020011-0002, S-202011-0003

*202011 where 2020 is year 2020 and 11 is the month of November

Format: S-{@yyyyMM}-<0000>



Prefix with Year only and Numbering

Prefix: S-

Example: S-2020-0001, S-2020-0002, S-2020-0003

*2020 is the year

Format: S-{@yyyy}-<0000>



Prefix with Month only and Numbering

Prefix: S-

Example: S-11-0001, S-11-0002, S-11-0003

*11 is the month of November

Format: S-{@MM}-<0000>



Some basic Year and Month format that can be applied:




2020 = 20

2021 = 21


2020 = 2020

2021 = 2021


September = 9

October = 10


September = 09

October = 10


September = Sep

October = Oct


September = September

October = October

*Please note that year and month formats are case sensitive, m and M represents different values. 


Important Note:

  1. Running number must be included in bracket using 0. How many 0s in the bracket means how many digits you wish to have in your numbering: <000>.
  2. Any Year or Month format must be included in curly bracket starting with @ symbol: {@format}.
  3. For date format numbering, the system will always capture the year and month based on the Document Date in the entry.


Applying Numbering Format

You can apply numbering format that you had created when you perform transaction entries. For example, currently you had 2 different Invoice Document Format.



When you create a new Invoice, by default it will apply the default Invoice Numbering Format, which is in this case the IV Default format. You can see the expected Invoice number at the top of your Invoice.



To change or apply another format, you can just click on the Invoice No arrow down button and select the format that you want. You will then realise the expected Invoice No at the top will change to the format that you had selected.


--Source from AutoCount Wiki --

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