A3.97 : How to set formula in claim type example for mileage?

A3.97 : How to set formula in claim type example for mileage?

Question : How to set formula in claim type example for mileage?

Answer :

1) Go to Tools > Claim Type

FormMileage 01.png

2) Click on Add New button to add new claim type for Mileage Claim.

FormMileage 02.png

3) Key in the claim code and description then click on Add Detail button to add extra field for formula

FormMileage 03.png

(i) Maintain the title.
(ii) Select Type as Number.
(iii) Click on the Formula to maintain formula.

FormMileage 04.png

5) You may key in you formula as per below then click on Save button.

Example: - Kilometer is less than 500, claim amount is RM0.50 per kilometer - Kilometer is more than 500, claim amount is RM0.75 per kilometer

FormMileage 05.png

6) Click on Save icon on the details and then Save button on top to save the claim type.

FormMileage 06.png

--Source from AutoCount Wiki --