Question :
I try to edit/delete a newly created Terminal, but prompted with: Terminal outlet exit in the sync registration and does not allow to delete. Please reset terminal pc at POS Sync Monitor to unlock it.?
Solution :
To delete, the Terminal ID must never been used (with transaction) or not login by any user.
If you have used the terminal, the Terminal ID can just set to Inactive. (Select Terminal > Edit > un-tick Active > OK > Yes)
1. Go to Server or BackEnd PC > Windows start > AutoCount POS 5.0 > AutoCount POS 5.0 Sync Monitor
2. Go to Taskbar (bottom) > click to show hidden icons > click on AutoCount POS Server Monitor
3. Select correct Profile Name > Edit
4. Select correct Location > Reset Terminal PC
5. Click Check All > OK
6. Click Save
7. Click Yes
8. Click OK
9. Go to Terminal Maintenance > select targeted Terminal ID > Delete > Yes